Are you suffering from back pain that keeps occurring and recurring? Does your pain move around? Maybe you feel unstable in your body when you try to balance or a walk on uneven surfaces? Or, perhaps, small things that used to bring you pleasure like dancing, throw your back out or give you hip pain. […]
Are You on the Sugar Roller Coaster?
What is the sugar roller coaster? Being on The Sugar Roller Coaster may be the worst thing to do to your health! What happens is your blood sugar rises and falls above and below it’s optimal range which increases inflammation in the body. Ideally it should remain in a narrow range. Click here to see: the-sugar-roller-coaster-1 The […]
It’s Time to Brush it off! Shake it off!
Are You Ready To Commit To Good Health?
My Story
After graduating from physical therapy school in 1991, I promptly wrecked my neck. I spent the next eight years worried that one wrong move, lifting someone wrong, or overdoing my exercises would flare it up. I had a lot of nerve pain and thought that was just something I was going to have to deal […]