After graduating from physical therapy school in 1991, I promptly wrecked my neck. I spent the next eight years worried that one wrong move, lifting someone wrong, or overdoing my exercises would flare it up. I had a lot of nerve pain and thought that was just something I was going to have to deal […]
Aston Kinetics
Alignment, Strength and Balance- Aston® Fitness:Get Your Fascia Fit Starting soon!
Aston® Fitness Series Starting Thursday Jan 15 at AOMA 9-10am Alignment~ Strength ~Balance First Class is FREE Jan 15! These are some photos at Sanoviv where I just received their Nutritional Advisor Certificate. I will share more of what I learned soon, so keep your eye on my blog! Today is about Fitness! Alignment is […]
Aston® Fitness Series:Get Your Fascia Fit Starts Fri October 17, 9-10 am
My Breast Friends -For Theresa, a post on Breast Health
This post is dedicated to one of my dearest and oldest friends, Theresa, who underwent treatment for breast cancer last year. I wish her the best recovery. Her struggle with standard treatments inspired me to write this post. As women we should educate ourselves on breast cancer prevention, not only early detection! I am grateful for […]