Inflammation is your Worst Enemy! Learn the top 5 things you can do to deal with it.
As a Physical Therapist and bodyworker for over 20 years I have learned a thing or two about what injured or inflamed tissue feels like under my hands. There are 2 kinds of inflammation. The first is acute inflammation, this is what happens when you trip on the sidewalk and stub your toe. Repsonding to heal your toe, your immune system jumps to attention. acute inflammation feels warm or even hot, becomes swollen, and you may become immobilized in the area for a while depending on the severity. With rest, ice, and elevation acute inflammation resolves within a day or two and then you are on your merry way. No real damage… maybe at worst you may lose a toenail.
The second type of Inflammation is chronic inflammation which is more widespread and systemic because the body is in a more overall state of inflammation over long periods of time. The immune system is generally “on alert” and perhaps even over-active. The body sort of over reacts, even a little increase activity is met with a smothering amount of response from your own body. There is more and more evidence that chronic inflammation is an underlying factor in most chronic diseases including Arthritis, heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s and Cancer.
There is a lot of individual variation of why people are in chronic inflammation and many complex systems at work, but there are things you can do to help with this underlying problem. A shift in life style with small consistent choices could make a huge difference in the amount of inflammation you experience.
5 things that you can do to decrease chronic inflammation:
- A gentle Daily movement practice (Qi Gong, Thai Chi, Restorative Yoga, Walking)
- Eat Lean and Green with minimally processed foods (Low Glycemic):
Inflammation begins on the cellular level. One of the contributing factors many believe to chronic inflammation is oxidative stress. Oxidative stress happens when the body “over reacts” to a perceived injury or disease, and begins attacking itself- aging and damaging the cell. Part of helping your body recover from this cellular process starts with fueling it with proper nutrition and antioxidant supplements.Diets high in processed foods and sugar aggravate the oxidative stress response. Want to break your own carb cycle? Check out my The Sugar Roller Coaster blog post and Sugar Busters RESET Class - Supplement with high quality nutritionals to support your cellular function
- Drink Water-lots
- Decrease Stress (or your response to it! Breathe deep folks, meditate, pray) Massage can help your body feel better today by improving circulation, decreasing swelling and generally, dealing with adhered tissue. Gives you a sense of ease and well being in your body. Check out Why I Love Massage.
It is my mission to help as many people as possible to Age gracefully and active.
“We live too Short and die too long”- Dr Wentz
I hope this helps, Contact me if you have any questions or are interested in shifting your lifestyle or just want a massage to help you feel better today.